Sunday, February 26, 2006

Added a link

I added a link to the Boycott Sew Fast Sew Easy page. I think that SFSE is an awful company that is bullying knitting groups in the hopes of getting some attention. This is just my opinion however.

I do hope that their actions backfire and that their store generates less business due to their actions. It would be karma for bullying knitting groups and threatening legal action. I don't think they have a case. The term "stitch n'bitch" has been around for decades and should be public domain.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Still haven't finished

I still haven't finished knitting the felted bag. I'm still debating whether I want to put the eyelash yarn around the top. I think I will knit it with the eyelash, and if I dislike it then I will un-knit those couple of rows.

I want to finish it so I can felt it. But I'm going to take pictures of it before and then after felting to show the difference in the sizes.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I'm nearly finished with the felted bag. I have about 14 rows to go. I felted my gauge which turned out pretty well. I think I've decided against adding the eyelash yarn around the top. I really didn't care for how it looked on the gauge. I'll have to decide. I'm thinking of adding some sew on snaps to the inside so that the bag will close. It wasn't in that pattern for this bag, but adding snaps is part of the pattern for another felted bag.