Sunday, March 18, 2007

Felted bag

I finally felted the bag I finished over six months ago. It is currently drying. I took some before pictures and will take some after pictures too. I don't think it will need to felt again.

I'll post the pictures eventually.

I still need to clock clapotis. I also finished fetching , but may need to unravel a few rows and redo part of one since one is slightly longer than the other.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I finally finished knitting Clapotis. I'll post a picture later. Well it is mostly finished anyway. I still need to weave in the ends and block it.

But the knitting portion is done. It took much longer than I initially anticipated. Altough I would have likely finished a week ago if I hadn't made the mistake on it and had to rip some out.