Monday, May 28, 2007

Socks, sweaters, and shawls

I have been working on just about everything but the socks that I'm making my mom. I am about halfway through the second sock and I just am not motivated to finish it.

However I have been knitting a pair of socks for myself. The sweater is getting further along, more is done now than all the other times. I frogged it at least twice so this is progress. I'm trying to avoid frogging it again.

The baby loop shawl is nearly done. I want to start my lace shawl, I've already knitted the swatch for it. But before I cast on for anything else I need to finish something that is on the needles.

For some reason I'm very into making shawls now. There are several that I want to make. Especially laces. But I need to do the easy lace before I get started on the more difficult ones.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


I recently bought Victorian Lace Today. The patterns are gorgeous and very classic looking. I haven't tried lace before and it does look complicated.

My first lace project is likely going to be the Carpathia gloves from knitty though as the lace pattern looks a bit simpler. I've also wanted to make those for months but didn't have the yarn.

Sock yarn stash

My sock yarn stash has grown significantly this month. Pictures to follow. Although now I am going to have to go back on the yarn diet because my stash storage is now full. And I really don't currently have room to add another storage container.