Monday, May 28, 2007

Socks, sweaters, and shawls

I have been working on just about everything but the socks that I'm making my mom. I am about halfway through the second sock and I just am not motivated to finish it.

However I have been knitting a pair of socks for myself. The sweater is getting further along, more is done now than all the other times. I frogged it at least twice so this is progress. I'm trying to avoid frogging it again.

The baby loop shawl is nearly done. I want to start my lace shawl, I've already knitted the swatch for it. But before I cast on for anything else I need to finish something that is on the needles.

For some reason I'm very into making shawls now. There are several that I want to make. Especially laces. But I need to do the easy lace before I get started on the more difficult ones.

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