Sunday, December 30, 2007

Syrian Shawl Progress

I finally started working on the Syrian shawl again after months of it sitting in my knitting bag.

Once I finish it, I want to make one in a solid color. I have a lot of lace weight yarn in the stash so it shouldn't be too difficult, plus I'll get in some much needed stash busting.

I have so many sock patterns that I want to do at the moment it is insane. After I finish the ones I have in progress I need to decide whether I want to start on the Anastasia sock pattern or the Pomatomus sock pattern next. And then there are the knee highs that I want to make out of the Harry Potter Yarn.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Attic Findings

When my family was bringing all the Christmas stuff down from the attic this year we reaffirmed the fact that we are all pack rats.

We found old acrylic yarn from the 1970's, that had belonged to my mother. It is nice to know that the quality of Caron yarn has improved significantly.
We also found old French books from both my father and mother's college years. I'm not sure my the pictures in my father's book were all from English speaking films though. The connection between The Sound of Music and French grammar is lost on me.

Winder, Swift and Needles oh my

Well Christmas was very knitting friendly this year. I received a ball winder, and umbrella swift and the KnitPicks options needles.

The ball winder was fairly simple to figure out. The swift I had a little trouble with at first. My desk is not the greatest surface to clamp it on and makes it tilt slightly. However it does work. I'll have to try some other place in the house.

The needles I think I love already. I received the sock set of the Options nickel plated. Which is ideal for all the socks I work on when I need and extra set of a certain size. I also received the interchangeable metal circular set. I've checked the joins since I have a friend who has experienced some problems with her cable joins. They look okay so far, but usage will tell.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Cozy Finished

I've finally finished this project that I hated so much. If it weren't for the Syrian lace shawl that I'm still working on, I wouldn't be making any shawl/wrap patterns again for a long time.

As it is I haven't worked on the Syrian lace shawl in the longest time.